What are Supporters or Partner Organizations?

Individual supporters (volunteers) of ETI and partnering organizations volunteer their time and knowledge, primarily to help form, draft and deliver the educational programme, contribute to the formation and writing of a position paper and/or support in organizing the ETI Summit 2022.

Supporters and partner organizations can also help us by participating as a speaker at an ETI meeting or webinar. This is a purely voluntary role and no compensation is offered – but you do gain the recognition and prestige of being positioned as an industry thought leader.

Meet our Partner Organizations.

Global think tank addressing ethics applied to AI through cultural lenses

Meet our Supporters.

Hilary Richters

Panel member at launch event
Director & Lead Digital Ethics at Deloitte [NL]

Olivia Gambelin

Keynote speaker and panel member at launch event
Founder of Ethical Intelligence, AI Ethicist [US]

Mark Coeckelbergh

Professor and Vice Dean at University of Vienna [AU]

Joanna Bryson

Panel member at launch event
Professor of Ethics and Technology at Hertie School [DE]

Angeliki Dedopoulou

Panel member at launch event
Public Policy Manager AI & Fintech at Facebook/Meta [BE]

Filip Van Den Abeele

Moderator at launch event
Keynote Speaker on Science, Technology and Innovation [BE]

Franziska Poszler

Supporter, Research Associate & PhD Student at Technical University Munich [DE]


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Endorse our mission and become a supporter or a partner organization.

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